We post some of our disaster medicine, austere medicine, and ‘prepper’ tips, tricks, and pearls here.
We keep former lecture notes and interesting downloads on the downloads page.
We keep help for budding authors on the ‘tips’ pages.
Charles Stewart MD EMDM MPH
Dr. Stewart was a Professor of Emergency Medicine at the University of Oklahoma, School of Community Medicine, in Tulsa, OK. Dr. Stewart is also a Visiting Professor at the European Master of Disaster Medicine faculty.
Dr. Stewart is the Director for Tulsa Tech Emergency Medicine Program teaching EMT and EMT-P courses.
Dr. Stewart teaches Emergency and Disaster Medicine and is a practicing emergency physician
Kathleen Stewart is a researcher and Adjunct Faculty Instructor at the University of Oklahoma, School of Community Medicine, and is an NREMT-P. Ms. Stewart teaches Disaster Medicine and is a practicing paramedic.
We are currently busy with revisions and new chapters for Ciottone’s Disaster Medicine 2nd Edition! It will be published September 2015!
We are discussing the effects of an EMP on the medical community in one of the chapters... and will post it here as an annotated version in the near future.
Dr. Stewart is the former Director of ODI and was responsible for teaching disaster medicine to many of the residents of the State of Oklahoma as part of the NDLS program.

Dr. Stewart also has an author’s website at: